AES - GOLDENER DIAMANT - Licensed Licensed Stallion
UELN: DE433330204720
Chipnumber: 276020000766066
Colour: DARK BAY
Date of Birth: 13-05-2020 (5 YEARS OLD)
WFFS: Not tested


February 22, 2023: AES Stallion Grading Poland (Salio Equisport Resort) ( Click here to open form )
Judges J. van den Oetelaar, Eva Broomer, L. Simpson, B. Demets
Mark 1 Mark 2
7 8
Soudness Assessment
Stance of Forelegs Over at the knee X Back at the knee
Stance of Forelegs Carpal valgus X Carpal varus
Stance of Forelegs Offset laterally X Offset medially
Stance of Hindlegs Acute hock angle X Straight hock angle
Stance of Hindlegs Tarsal valgus X Tarsal varus
Stance of Fetlocks (front) Over-extended X Upright
Stance of Fetlocks (back) Over-extended X Upright
Shape of Feet Wide X Narrow
Heels High X Low
Symmetry of the Shoulder Girdle Symmetrical X Asymmetrical
Symmetry of the Pelvic Girdle Symmetrical X Asymmetrical
Quality of Legs: Tendon Sheaths No effusions X Effusions
Quality of Legs: Joints No effusions X Effusions
Correctness of Walk: front legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Walk: hind legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Trot: front legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Trot: hind legs Toed in X Toed out
Muscle / Body
Muscle Development Overmuscled X Poor
Body Condition Score Underweight X Overweight
Growth Plate Development
Knee: Right Front Normal X Abnormal
Knee: Left Front Normal X Abnormal
Hock: Right Hind Normal X Abnormal
Hock: Left Hind Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Right Front Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Left Front Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Right Hind Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Left Hind Normal X Abnormal
Foot Balance
Foot Balance: Right Front No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Left Front No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Right Hind No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Left Hind No issues X Attention needed
Conformation - Frame
Body Shape Rectangular X Square
Body direction Uphill X Downhill
Length of legs Long X Short
Head-neck connection Light X Heavy
Length of neck Long X Short
Position of neck Vertical X Horizontal
Muscling of neck Heavy X Poor
Shape of neck Arched X Straight
Height of whithers High X Flat
Length of whithers Long X Short
Position of shoulder Sloping X Straight
Length of shoulder Long X Short
Line of the back Roached X Weak
Line of the loins Roached X Weak
Shape of the croup Sloping X Flat
Length of the croup Long X Short
Tail set Low X High
Frame Mark 8.25
Movement - Walk
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Rhythm Regular X Irregular
Topline Elastic X Stiff
Engagement Energetic X Dragging
Walk Mark 7
Movement - Trot
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Elasticity Elastic X Stiff
Impulsion Rounded X Weak
Balance Carrying X Pushing
Trot Mark 6
Movement - Canter
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Elasticity Elastic X Stiff
Impulsion Rounded X Weak
Balance Carrying X Pushing
Canter Mark 6

Total Mark
6.95 Grade 3
January 24, 2024: AES Stallion Grading Poland (Salio Equisport Resort - Poland) ( Click here to open form )
Judges J. van den Oetelaar, Eva Broomer, L. Simpson, R. Ehrens, B. Demets
Mark 1 Mark 2
7.75 8.25
Soudness Assessment
Stance of Forelegs Over at the knee X Back at the knee
Stance of Forelegs Carpal valgus X Carpal varus
Stance of Forelegs Offset laterally X Offset medially
Stance of Hindlegs Acute hock angle X Straight hock angle
Stance of Hindlegs Tarsal valgus X Tarsal varus
Stance of Fetlocks (front) Over-extended X Upright
Stance of Fetlocks (back) Over-extended X Upright
Shape of Feet Wide X Narrow
Heels High X Low
Symmetry of the Shoulder Girdle Symmetrical X Asymmetrical
Symmetry of the Pelvic Girdle Symmetrical X Asymmetrical
Quality of Legs: Tendon Sheaths No effusions X Effusions
Quality of Legs: Joints No effusions X Effusions
Correctness of Walk: front legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Walk: hind legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Trot: front legs Toed in X Toed out
Correctness of Trot: hind legs Toed in X Toed out
Muscle / Body
Muscle Development Overmuscled X Poor
Body Condition Score Underweight X Overweight
Growth Plate Development
Knee: Right Front Normal X Abnormal
Knee: Left Front Normal X Abnormal
Hock: Right Hind Normal X Abnormal
Hock: Left Hind Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Right Front Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Left Front Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Right Hind Normal X Abnormal
Fetlock: Left Hind Normal X Abnormal
Foot Balance
Foot Balance: Right Front No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Left Front No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Right Hind No issues X Attention needed
Foot Balance: Left Hind No issues X Attention needed
Conformation - Frame
Body Shape Rectangular X Square
Body direction Uphill X Downhill
Length of legs Long X Short
Head-neck connection Light X Heavy
Length of neck Long X Short
Position of neck Vertical X Horizontal
Muscling of neck Heavy X Poor
Shape of neck Arched X Straight
Height of whithers High X Flat
Length of whithers Long X Short
Position of shoulder Sloping X Straight
Length of shoulder Long X Short
Line of the back Roached X Weak
Line of the loins Roached X Weak
Shape of the croup Sloping X Flat
Length of the croup Long X Short
Tail set Low X High
Frame Mark 8
Movement - Walk
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Rhythm Regular X Irregular
Topline Elastic X Stiff
Engagement Energetic X Dragging
Walk Mark 7.75
Movement - Trot
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Elasticity Elastic X Stiff
Impulsion Rounded X Weak
Balance Carrying X Pushing
Trot Mark 8.25
Movement - Canter
Length of stride Long X Short
Freedom of shoulder A lot X Restricted
Elasticity Elastic X Stiff
Impulsion Rounded X Weak
Balance Carrying X Pushing
Canter Mark 8.5

Total Mark
8.10 Grade 1


GALAXY KWPN 528003201604651
GRAND GALAXY WIN T KWPN 528003201100457 2011
BLACK 1,72m
APACHE KWPN 528003200508169 2005
BROWN 1,69m
UB 40 KWPN 528003200102948 2001
TOLANDA KWPN 528003200009808 2000
WINNER T KWPN 528003200300892 2003
JAZZ KWPN 528003199106398 1991
MAGNAAT KWPN 5280031994778 1994
WALKURE KWPN 528003200305537
BROWN 1,64m
SIR SINCLAIR KWPN 528003199900868 1999
BROWN 1,70m
LORD SINCLAIR I BAYERN 276381817849994 1994
KRISHNA KWPN 528003199205443 1992
LOTUS KWPN 528003199310027 1993
DONNERHALL OLDBG DE333330887081 1981
CHARITES KWPN 528003198405522 1984
DESPERANDA L II OLDBG 276433330314412
DESPERADOS FRH HANN 276431310351301 2001
BLACK 1,70m
DE NIRO HANN DE331310590093 1993
BLACK 1,71m
DONNERHALL OLDBG DE333330887081 1981
ALICANTE HANN DE331310183478 1978
WOLKENSTEIN II HANN DE331314450790 1990
MASKOTTCHEN HANN DE331314600686 1986
SCHAKIRA OLDBG 276433330437602
SANDRO HIT OLDBG DE333330471993 1993
BLACK 1,72m
SANDRO SONG OLDBG DE333330863088 1988
LORETTA OLDBG DE333330150587 1987
DANINA MECKL. DE305053016388
DUCCIO SANH DE305050342979
MANDY MECKL. DE305053000576